Our Certifications & Compliance.

Certified Professionals, because you deserve the best.

Defense Logistics Agency Certified to handle

NON classifiedequipment/material. The Certification has to be renewed frequently through a strigent process.

The certification process only qualifies credible organizations with a mateclious, transparent process. Organizations who demonstrate ability to adapt and live by ethos of data security.


ISO 14001 is an enviormental management system Certification developed to protect the enviorment by the International Standardization Organization. This frame work, the development and implementation is part of a detailed process which measures and ensure the minimization of enviormental impact by a company. It also ensures the company is incorperating Federal, State & local enviormental guidelines. IT Recycling Solution is proud to accomplish this certification process.

ISO 45001 is an OH&SMS (Occupitational Health & Safety Management System) It is one of many International Standardization Organization framework which is geared toward health an safety of a company, employees and clients. This certification came in very handy when it came time for COVID-19 SOP. For us, this maticiclous system ensures we look at all our procedures through ISO 45001 standards before implementation and ensures a tracking mechanisim is in place. IT Recycling Solution is Proud to acheieve this certification. 

Microsoft Registered Refurbisher (MRR) is provided by Microsoft which ensures that authentic and complete refurbishing methods are being utilized when working with a client on an IT Asset Disposition (ITAD) project. Legitimate lisenced COA and Citizenship is being utilized. Another certification to ensure total authentic solution.  IT Recycling Solution is extremely excited about parterning up Microsoft.

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